We Explore


Apart from providing various overseas exchange and visiting programmes,  we encourage CC-ers to search for an overseas learning opportunity on their own and to discover and develop their talents with an international perspective. Each CC-er can receive 2 FLY Awards or 2 EYE Awards at most. Make use of the awards to expand your horizons every year!

FLY (Find a Learning opportunity Yourself) Award

[Your Journey ‧ Our Support]

(Max. subsidy of HK$10,000 / student*)

The Award provides subsidy for participation in overseas activities not organized by the College, encouraging CC-ers to discover and develop your talents with an international perspective, search for an overseas learning opportunity on your own.


*In conjunction with the EYE (Excel Yourself through Exploration) Award, each student is eligible for a total of two quotas, encompassing both the EYE and FLY Award. The options available are as follows:

  • 1 EYE Award + 1 FLY Award
  • 2 EYE Awards
  • 2 FLY Awards

EYE (Excel Yourself through Exploration) Award

[Subsidies to participate in College overseas activities]

(Max. subsidy of HK$15,000 / student*)

The Award encourages students to explore the world during their studies by subsidizing them to join the College’s overseas programmes.


*In conjunction with the FLY (Find a Learning opportunity Yourself) Award, each student is eligible for a total of two quotas, encompassing both the EYE and FLY Award. The options available are as follows:

  • 1 EYE Award + 1 FLY Award
  • 2 EYE Awards
  • 2 FLY Awards