Language and Academic


Language Enhancement Programme

We provide diversified platforms for CC-ers to improve their Chinese and English language competence. Interactive language enhancement activities include the Language Tables, Language Seminars, Language Workshops and etc.


Toastmasters Club

The club was established to eliminate students’ fear of public speaking and improve their public speaking skills. During weekly meetings, members present both prepared and impromptu speeches and receive immediate feedback from experienced speakers.


Language Study Abroad Programme

CC-ers joining this Summer Programme will participate in a four to ten week intensive English course as well as different kinds of social and cultural activities in U.S.A or Canada.


Study Trips: Exploration of German / French / Japanese Society

The three-week study trips include elementary language course and cultural explorations. Home-stay will be arranged for participants of Germany and France trips. Cc-ers joining the Japan Trip will be paired with a student from the visiting university




CC Chinese Reading Club

A new series of activity for the Chinese language enhancement programme: CC Chinese reading club, co-organized by Prof. WONG Nim Yan, Prof. SIU Chun Ho and Dr. MAN Ying Ha from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, was held for the first time in Term 2, 2023/24