College Assembly

“A dialogue with a wise man prevails over a decade of study”

Chung Chi Friday Assembly covers a broad range of topics and may be conducted in different formats including talk, performance, competition, demonstration, sharing forum, etc. There are also learning activities designated as alternative activities to Assembly, for example the Head’s Roundtable Dinner, Drama Play, Annual Education Conference, etc.

With the minimum attendance requirement of 4 for each term, you can choose the topics and activities of your interest from the wide array of areas concerning social, cultural, political, artistic or other aspects, exploring the many possibilities of life. You can nominate speakers and are welcome to join the post-talk lunch, meeting and chatting with the speakers.

Ms. KONG Man Wai Vivian

Ms. KONG Man Wai Vivian

[HK Female Épée Fencer; Awardee of Ten Outstanding Young Persons 2021; Awardee of Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards]

Mr. TSANG Chun Wah John GBM, JP

Mr. TSANG Chun Wah John GBM, JP

[Founder of Esperanza]

Ms. Alison CHANG

Ms. Alison CHANG

[Founder of Headhunting Company; Career Coach and Business Consultant]

Dr. Rizwan ULLAH, M.H

Dr. Rizwan ULLAH, M.H

[Vice Principal of a local Secondary School; Member, Equal Opportunities Commission; Convenor, Action Group of Youth Wellness, Youth Development Commission; Member, Kowloon City District Council]

Mr. Johnny HUI

Mr. Johnny HUI

[Football Commentator; Renowned TV Host; Actor]

Mr. KO Kong Ling and Mr. CHING Yan Fu

Mr. KO Kong Ling and Mr. CHING Yan Fu

[Mr. KO Kong Ling: Co-Founder, Director and Artist of Pomato Studio Limited & Mr. CHING Yan Fu: Artist of Pomato Studio Limited]

Dr. Leung Ka Yan (Serrini)

Dr. Leung Ka Yan (Serrini)

[HK Singer-songwriter, Chung Chi Alumna (2013/English)]

Mr. LAM Chiu Ying

Mr. LAM Chiu Ying

[Former Director of the Hong Kong Observatory; Honorary President, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society; Chairman, Hong Kong Countryside Foundation]

Professor CHAN Ka Leung Francis, SBS, JP

Professor CHAN Ka Leung Francis, SBS, JP

[Dean of Faculty of Medicine, CUHK; Choh-Ming Li Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics; Director of Centre for Gut Microbiota Research, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK; Chung Chi Alumnus (1988/ MBChB)]

Mr. CHAN Cheuk Ming (Sham Shui Po Ming Gor)

Mr. CHAN Cheuk Ming (Sham Shui Po Ming Gor)

[Founder of "Pei Ho Counterparts" and "Pei Ho (Ming Gor) Charity Foundation"; Honorary Fellowship of Lingnan University of Hong Kong (2017); Honorary University Fellowship of Hong Kong Metropolitan University (2021)]

Mr. LAU Chun To

Mr. LAU Chun To

[Former Chief Editor, Ming Pao; Chief Operating Officer, Ming Pao Publications Limited]

Niu Niu

Niu Niu

[Renowned Pianist]