First Year Induction

We understand that freshmen might encounter different obstacles when trying to get accustomed to university life. We offer various programmes to help CC-ers settle into university life. 

Freshmen could have a brief idea of their College life afterwards from senior students’ sharing at the College Orientation Camp.


Besides, the College has designed an introductory course for freshmen to develop an understanding and appreciation of university education, the origins, traditions and objectives of universities, and their relationships with the contemporary society. Most of our guest speakers in lecture classes are CC alumni, favouring an approachable and interactive atmosphere.


The student-oriented small group tutorial course helps to foster student-teacher interaction.  Freshmen are assigned to groups, with groupmates of different majors and a CC-teacher as their advisor. CC-ers are given great freedom in self-directing your study topic, approaches and presentation method. Tutorials can be conducted in any mode of instruction and venue is not restricted to classrooms. Teachers can consider outdoor teaching (Chung Chi campus tour) or class meeting at more cozy and relaxing places.