Here, in Chung Chi…

What are you looking forward to the most at university?


Joining exchange programmes? Moving into student hostels? Being an executive committee member of student societies? Meeting new friends? Receiving scholarships? Planning and organising activities on your own?


Join Chung Chi College! Achieve more than you could expect!


Chung Chi College aims to provide students whole person education with a broad and balanced development, promoting learning and growing through experiences. It also promotes general arts and science education, and implements study trips and study abroad programmes that are highly popular among the students. The College has established various scholarships, bursaries and funds for promoting learning atmosphere and encouraging balanced development. It aims to create a supportive environment for students to experience a joyful university life. Apart from participating in programmes and activities organized by the College, students are encouraged to organize student activities of their own, which helps them to develop leadership skills.


More than a harmonious and comfortable learning environment for our students, Chung Chi campus was designed blending in the beautiful natural surroundings. Famous landmarks in our campus include the Lake Ad Excellentiam, Chung Chi College Chapel, Chung Chi Student Development Complex and Chung Chi Gate. Other facilities include 10 student hostels, Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Lingnan Stadium (with football, basketball and volleyball courts in it), tennis court, multi-purpose hall, Elisabeth Luce Moore Library, BBQ site, etc.


500+ students
50+  countries
~2000 students
subsidies, awards
and scholarships
scholarships to
130+ students
scholarships to
~540 students
hostel places
10 hostels blocks
students from

25+ countries

Our Stories

The Busking journey in Europe has broadened my horizon. I got to make friends from different places and learn about various cultures. This made me rethink on my old way of living. During the trip, I had to busk in order to earn a living and I need to do couch surfing for accommodation. There are a lot of challenges everyday, which enhanced my problem-solving abilities...

LAW Yuk Sin

(Architectural Studies)

#Dreaming through Chung Chi Scheme #Put Your Idea into Practice





#交換計劃 #李韶暑期計劃 #崇基學生會

I had a wonderful internship experience in an accounting and tax advisory firm in London. It’s the first time I came to London, and I returned with full of great memories. What I gained was not only work experience but also culture exposures. Apart from working, I had the opportunities to travel around London. This 6-week placement is so much rewarding and fruitful to me...

GAO Yiqi

(Insurance, Financial and Acturial Analysis)

#FLY Award #Your Journey‧Our Support




#暑期留學計劃 #放眼世界計劃

I served a village in Indonesia. Before the trip, I expected myself to give a lot. However, in the end, I am the one truly receiving from the programme - for letting me explore a culture that I hardly knew anything about; for allowing me to experience the warmth of true friendship; for giving me the ‘parents’ and ‘siblings’ that I truly treasure and miss…

LAU Choi Yee


#Service Learning Programme





#重點學生活動 #學生活動基金