崇基校友尋夢計劃 2022 Chung Chi Alumni Dare to Dream Programme 2022

(Please scroll down for English version)


崇基校友尋夢計劃 (2022)

A. 計劃目的 :


B. 申請資格 :

本科(學士)畢業的崇基校友,可以個人或組別 (成員必須有一半以上為崇基校友) 為單位,主申請人必須為崇基校友會會員,並特別鼓勵畢業五年或以下年輕校友踴躍參與。

C. 協助方式:


D. 申請所需文件:

申請者需要提交以下文件 (中文或英文):

  1. 已填妥的申請表格
  2. 書面計劃書 (撰寫2,000字內計劃書介紹計劃內容, 夢想之原因及目的、必須明確具體地列出於該年度計畫希望達到的成果,校友會網絡如何協助及參與、實施計劃的時間表,可行性分析等)
  3. 其他對申請有幫助的補充資料。資料補充形式不限,可以多媒體或其他合適方式補充。

E. 申請辦法及截止日期:


F. 條款及責任:

  1. 獲選者需參與項目舉行的宣傳、分享及頒奬等活動
  2. 獲選者需用短片形式(3至5分鐘) 分享得獎項目,如介紹夢想、背景、實踐的經過及得著
  3. 活動後報告及總結宣傳海報必需於項目完成後三個月內提交
  4. 獲選者可能會被邀請於校友會、學院或傳媒活動作分享

G. 實施細則:

  1. 個人或組別 (主申請人必須為崇基校友會會員,組員必須有一半以上為崇基校友) 為單位提交計劃書。
  2. 尋夢計劃內容沒有特定框架,如能善用校友網絡及引入校友的參與會增加獲選機會,惟不可與宗教及政治相關。
  3. 如提交的夢想並非獨立項目而具持續性,即延伸至年度尋夢計劃之後仍會繼續進行,獲選者須於獲選通知後三個月內開展計劃書中所列明的部份,目標是於該年度內完成定下要取得的結果。獲選者須每三個月提供進度更新,六個月後提供中期報告並於項目開展一年後提供計劃活動總結報告。如計劃持續時間少於一年,獲選校友須於每三個月提供進度更新並於完成計劃後一個月後提供活動後報告。籌委會於當中會定期與獲選者跟進。
  4. 如計劃屬非持續性的單次/多次活動或體驗,獲選者須於獲通知後三個月內制定活動的日期(如適用),並於完成計劃後一個月後提供活動後報告。

H. 評審機制

  1.  籌備委員會初步篩選出入圍項目,並會按實際需要邀請不同範疇校友與入圍參加者深入了解計劃,提供意見及分享。如確認可行性達標,申請者將會參加評審委員會面試,並需按要求作口頭簡報演示 (包括財政預算資料, 如適用)以供評審。獲選項目數量並無限額,附合評審準則及可行性的項目均有獲選機會。
  2. 評審委員會將按以下相關評審準則考慮:
    • 計劃對申請者意義
    • 該年度完成定下目標的可行性
    • 崇基校友支持對計劃成功的關鍵性
    • 崇基校友於計劃的參與度


電話:3943 6015(趙小姐)






A. Objective

Every one of us has a dream in the back of our mind, but various chores may drive us away from achieving that dream. By upholding the Chung Chi spirit and bringing Chung Chi-ers together, we believe that more will plug up their courage to realise their dreams. Chung Chi College Alumni Association, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CCCAA) encourages and supports Chung Chi alumni to pursue their dream. A dream can be of all kinds, with no boundaries. It can be out of personal interest or with an aim to make an impact on society. Your dream can be putting on a performance, building an enterprise, competing for a championship, or taking part in a unique exchange experience. Tell us your dream and take the first step to make it come true.

B. Eligibility

All full-time Chung Chi (Bachelor) graduates are welcome to apply individually or in groups (more than half of the members must be Chung Chi alumni), and the principal applicant must be a member of the CCCAA. In particular, we would like to invite submissions from young Chung Chi-ers graduated in the past 5 years.

C. Assistance to be Provided
According to the needs of the awarded project(s), the Organising Committee of Chung Chi Alumni Dare To Dream Programme (“the Programme”) will line up the required assistance from our alumni network to support the project(s). Awardee(s) can propose any feasible assistance coming from the alumni network, including but not limited to alumni network connections from a particular industry, receiving advice and guidance, experience sharing, and providing support on resources. CCCAA would also like to call for the support and participation from all Chung Chi alumni. Together with the backing from the College, we believe this congregation of our power and experience can provide the needed guidance and support to the awardees to accomplish their goal.

D. Documentation Requirements

The following application materials can be submitted in Chinese or English:

  1. Completed application form 
  2. Written proposal (introducing the dream in no more than 2,000 words, including its reason, objective, specific results to achieve within the project year, support/assistance/participation required from the alumni network, project timeline, feasibility assessment etc.)
  3. Any other supporting materials deemed complementary to the application (can be provided in any form, e.g. multimedia or other appropriate means)

E. Date for Application and Deadline

Applicant should submit the online application form (https://rb.gy/aco8a1) with related documents by April 10, 2022 (Sunday).All supporting documents, if any, should be sent to cccaa@cuhk.edu.hk.

F. Terms and Responsibilities

  1. The awardee(s) are required to participate in the publicity campaign including promotion, sharing and award presentation ceremony arranged by CCCAA.
  2. The awardees should make a 3–5-minute video to introduce the project, its background, the process and gains in achieving the dream.
  3. A final report and a poster must be submitted within 3 months upon completion of the awarded project.
  4. The awardee(s) may be invited to provide a sharing session on their project in events hosted by CCCAA, Chung Chi College or the media.

G. Implementation Rules

  1. Individuals or groups (the principal applicant must be a member of CCCAA, and more than half of the group members must be Chung Chi alumni) shall submit the proposal as a unit.
  2. There is no set framework for the Programme. The ability to fully leverage our alumni networks and involve our alumni will increase the opportunities to be selected, provided that the project is not related to any religious or political topics.
  3. If the submitted proposal is not a one-off project but ongoing, meaning the project will sustain after the end of the Programme year, the awardee(s) are obliged to initiate the project items listed in the proposal within 3 months upon result notification and set a targeted outcome to be accomplished by that Programme year. Awardee(s) must submit a progress update every 3 months, a mid-term review report 6 months after and a final report one year after project initiation. If the project duration is less than one year, the awardee(s) are required to submit a progress update every 3 months, and a review report one month after the project is completed. The Organising Committee will follow up with the awardee(s) regularly.
  4. For non-ongoing projects that include one-time/ multiple-time events or experiences, awardee(s) are obliged to confirm the date of event(s), if applicable, within 3 months upon result notification, and submit a review report one month after the project is completed.

H. Assessment Mechanism

  1. The Organising Committee will first screen the submitted proposals. Based on the actual requirements of the shortlisted proposals, select alumni from across industries may then be invited to work with the candidates in detail, providing comments and their experience on the shortlisted project. If the project is considered feasible, shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview with our Judging Panel and will be asked to prepare an oral presentation with a budget plan, if applicable, for further assessment. There is no quota on the number of awarded projects. All proposals that meet the assessment criteria and feasibility standards will be considered.
  2. The Judging Panel will review proposals based on the following assessment criteria:
    • The meaning of the project to the applicant
    • Feasibility of accomplishing the proposed project in the year
    • Importance of alumni support to the success of the proposed project
    • Participation of Chung Chi alumni in the project


Tel: 3943 6015 (Miss Sherraine Chiu)

Email: cccaa@cuhk.edu.hk
