崇基校友尋夢計劃 2021 Chung Chi Alumni Dare to Dream Programme 2021

(Please scroll down for English version)


崇基校友尋夢計劃 (2021)

A. 計劃目的 :


B. 申請資格 :


C. 資助方式:

  • 校友網絡支援按計劃需要安排校友支援
  • 財政支援港幣$30,000或其計劃財政報告支出的80%(以較低者為準)

備註委員會於獲選項目開始時會預先批出資助總金額的80% 作起動經費,餘下20% 資助會於活動完成後根據所提交之財政報告以實報實銷形式審批發放。

  • 注意事項:崇基校友會保留一切發放資助之最終決定權利。

D. 申請所需文件:


  1. 已填妥的申請表格 (http://bit.ly/CCADTD2021
  2. 書面計劃書(撰寫2,000字內的計劃書介紹計劃內容,包括主題、夢想之原因及目的、校友會網絡如何協助及參與、日程、實施計劃及可行性分析等)
  3. 財政預算(如需要財政資助)
  4. 其他有助評審的補充資料(補充資料形式不限,可以多媒體或其他合適方式補充。

E. 申請辦法及截止日期:

申請者須於2021年4月11日 (星期日)前,填妥網上申請表格(http://bit.ly/CCADTD2021)。如有補充資料,可於截止日期前電郵至cccaa@cuhk.edu.hk

F. 條款及責任:

  1. 獲選者需參與由崇基校友會安排之宣傳、分享及頒奬等活動,並同意崇基校友會把獲選項目的資料在其社交平台上公布作宣傳用途。
  2. 獲選者需拍攝一段3至5分鐘的短片分享得獎項目,如介紹夢想、背景、實踐的經過及得著。
  3. 獲選者需於項目完成後3個月之內提交一份報告及總結宣傳海報。
  4. 獲選者可能會被邀請於崇基校友會、崇基學院或傳媒活動作分享。

G. 實施細則:

  1. 個人或組別(主申請人必須為崇基校友會會員,組員必須有一半以上為崇基校友)為單位提交計劃書。
  2. 計劃沒有特定框架,如能善用校友網絡及引入校友的參與會增加受資助機會,惟不可與宗教及政治相關。
  3. 受資助校友須於獲通知後3個月內開展計劃,並於6個月後提供階段性總結,籌委會於當中會定期與獲資助校友跟進。

H. 評審機制



  • 計劃對申請者個人意義
  • 計劃獨特性(創意度/社會貢獻/完成難度)
  • 崇基校友支持對計劃成功的關鍵性
  • 崇基校友於計劃的參與度
  • 對崇基學院形象貢獻
  • 網上宣傳的迴響度


電話:3943 6015(張小姐)






A. Objective

Every one of us has a dream deep in our hearts, but mundane things in life may get in the way and slowly take us away from that dream. If we can live up the Chung Chi spirit – the spirit of “everyone’s will” 眾志 – and gather the power of all Chung Chi people as the backbone support, we believe there will be many more who will pluck up their courage and fight for their dreams. The Chung Chi College Alumni Association of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CCCAA) hopes to encourage and support Chung Chi alumni to be courageous in finding their dreams and their pursuit of the dreams.  This dream can be of any kind, with no definite framework – it can either be of a personal interest or an aim to make a difference in our society. Tell us your dream and take your first step to make it come true.


B. Eligibility

All full-time Chung Chi Bachelor’s degree graduates are welcome to apply. Application can be submitted as an individual applicant or as a group, in which more than half of its members must be Chung Chi alumni with the principal applicant a member of the CCCAA. All applicants can only submit one proposal per year to the Programme.


C. Subsidy

  • Alumni network support: matching alumni support to be provided based on the project content
  • Financial support: HK$30,000 or up to 80% of the proposed budget, whichever is lower.

Remarks: The Committee will pre-release 80% of the total grant as start-up funding at the initiation of the awarded project. The remaining 20% is to be released after the completion of the project as reimbursements based on the submission of the official receipts and reports.

  • Note: The final amount of the subsidy disbursed is at the sole discretion of the CCCA

D. Documentation Requirement

The following application materials may be submitted in Chinese or English:

  1. Completed application form (http://bit.ly/CCADTD2021)
  2. Proposal (expressing the dream in not more than 2,000 words, including its theme and reasons for having the dream, its objective, how the alumni network can participate and provide support to the project, project schedule, implementation, and feasibility assessment, etc.)
  3. Budget Plan (if financial support is required)

Any other supplementary materials deemed supportive to the assessment (can be provided in any form, e.g. multimedia or other appropriate means)


E. Date for Application and Deadline

Applicant should submit the online application form (http://bit.ly/CCADTD2021) with related documents by April 11, 2021 (Sunday). Any other supplementary materials should be sent to cccaa@cuhk.edu.hk before the application deadline.


F. Terms and Responsibilities

  1. The Programme awardees are required to participate in the publicity of the Programme not limited to promotional activities, sharing sessions and award presentation ceremony arranged by the CCCAA, and agree to have their project information published on the CCCAA’s social media platforms for promotional purposes.
  2. The awardees should produce a 3-5 minutes’ video upon completion of their project, to introduce the dream and its background, the road to achieving the dream and what they have achieved/gained during the process.
  3. A final wrap-up report and a poster are to be submitted within 3 months after project completion.
  4. The awardees may be invited to present their projects in events organized by the CCCAA, the Chung Chi College or with the media.

G. Submission details

  1. The proposal may be submitted by an individual or as a group with the principal applicant a member of the CCCAA, and more than half of the group members must be Chung Chi alumni.
  2. There is no particular framework set for the proposal. The ability to leverage the alumni network and/or involve alumni will increase their chances of receiving funding, provided that the project is not associated with any religious or political aims.
  3. The awardees are obliged to initiate their project within 3 months upon being notified and submit an interim review report 6 months after. The Organizing Committee will follow up with the awardees regularly.

H. Assessment Mechanism

  1. The Assessment Committee will shortlist the projects eligible to participate in the interview round for an in-depth understanding of the project. Those who are notified for the interview will be asked to prepare an approximately 15-minute PowerPoint presentation (including budget information) for further assessment.
  2. The Assessment Committee will consider the assessment criteria as follows:
    • The meaning of the project to the applicant
    • The uniqueness of the project (creativity/ contribution to the community/ difficulty of completion)
    • How crucial the alumni support is to the success of the project
    • Degree of participation of Chung Chi alumni in the project
    • Contribution to boosting the image of Chung Chi College
    • Feedback from online promotions


Tel: 3943 6015 (Ms Christine Cheung)

Email: cccaa@cuhk.edu.hk
